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Absurdity Illusion Paintings by Michael Cheval - Master of Imagination

 Michael Cheval is the world's leading contemporary artist, specializing in Absurdist paintings, drawings and portraits. In his definition, "absurdity" is an inverted side or reality, a reverse side of logic. It does not emerge from the dreams of surrealists, or the work of subconsciousness. It is a game of imagination, where all ties are carefully chosen to construct a literary plot. Any one of Cheval's paintings is a map of his journey into illusion. His work is often metaphorical and requires a sharp eye to decipher the often hidden allusions. TAGS :NO 1 HD WALLPAPERS, FREE DO

Fashion Photography examples by Amanda Diaz

 The type of photography that inspires me is romantic and dreamy, almost pre-raphaelite. I admire all the different beauty in people and love sharing that with others in my photos. Many photographers pride themselves on their technical ability but I rely on my creativity and the valuable people that contribute to my ideas. The whole process from start to finish truly excites me. Photography is my passion and always will be a part of me and what I do in my life. I hope you will like these fashion photography examples.AGS :NO 1 HD WALLPAPERS, FREE DOWNLOAD QUALITY WALLPAPERS HD, BE

Creative Animal Based Print Ads

 dvertising is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a logo, a company image and other details to meet the client needs. Therefore, being able to manipulate results to match the color scheme, subject matter and target market are essential skills for any designer. In this post we have added 25 best Animal print ads for your inspiratio


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