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Explosive Paintings by Francoise Nielly

 Francoise Nielly is a French artist whose technique is crude and sophisticated, spontaneous, complex, expressive, exhibiting a brute force and a fascinating vital energy. Born in Marseille, her passion for drawing is influenced by the color and light from the sunny south coast of France where she grew up. Nielly doesn't rely on modern technology in her art, she simply needs oil and a palette knife. Paint is scraped onto the canvas with aggressive strokes to create extremely powerful masterpieces. She currently lives and paints in Paris. i hope you will like these colorful paint

Surreal Oil Paintings by Colette Calascione

 Colette Calascione was born in San Francisco in 1971 and received her B.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute. She resides in California. Inspired by books and images of earlier eras, particularly the Victorian era, Calascione invents a world that is her own. Images of women and children in old photographs are transformed in the artist’s hands. She never literally copies a photo or its background. When she sees a figure she likes, her vision forms around it. i hope you will like these surreal oil paintings.TAGS :NO 1 HD WALLPAPERS, FREE DOWNLOAD QUALITY WALLPAPERS HD, BESTHI


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